Chef Nicole's
Facebook and Instagram Ad Case Study
with an
840% Return on Ad Spend
Miami Healthy Meal Delivery
Chef Nicole is a beloved healthy meal delivery service based in Miami who delivers meals within a local service area twice weekly to customers who choose from a variety of meal options.
Chef Nicole was born and raised in Miami and is actively involved in the fitness community. Her food is excellent, she was trained at the highly acclaimed Johnson and Whales AND she has great customer service which means a new customer usually sticks around.
The Chef Nicole team began her business in 2018, and grew her customer base almost exclusively by word of mouth. Her food is so good it speaks for itself!

Working Together
But when it felt like their word of mouth expansion had hit a ceiling and the addition of organic social media, a small ad campaign managed in house and an optimized website did not produce growth results at the speed they wanted, they came to me for help.
I developed and managed a Facebook and Instagram ad campaign based on the Chef’s description of her ideal customer, which included all of the campaign media and ad copy.
We used my two-part customer acquisition ads strategy, which included cold audience demographic targeting and leveraging their current customers and social media audience with great success.
A 2-Part Customer Acquisition System
We started our work together by running a video view campaign to identify people interested in Nicole’s business. using a quick video, we recorded on my iPhone
THEN, we created custom audiences of people with demographics similar to those who had shown interest in our video campaign, had interacted with the Chef on Instagram or Facebook OR had visited her website. and served them ads inviting them to order with Chef Nicole and optimizing for conversions. The conversion campaign had a click through rate of 2.6% (1% is the benchmark of successful social media ad campaigns).
During the first 10 weeks of 2021, with a 10-week total $2,700 ad spend and a $1,785 strategy and management fee Chef Nicole generated over $22,000 in direct ad revenue, which is an 8.4x ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) or a 4.9 ROI (Return on Investment)
58% Increase in Her Customer Base
Per Chef Nicole’s customer reports, her average customer sticks with her for about 8 weeks. For that reason, it is important that we add NEW customers to her weekly orders.
Our ad campaign generated 111 NEW customers for Chef Nicole, a 58% increase over her customer base as of our start date.
Some would say for a business who relies heavily on word-of-mouth referrals a customer acquisition cost that breaks even with the value of ONE lifetime customer is great- because that customer should give at least 5 referrals.
Our conversion ad campaigns generated a return of 11x the lifetime value of Chef Nicole’s customer! We are so pleased, and the Chef is thrilled and plans to continue to scale her ads strategy and grow her business with Meredith Kallaher Marketing, LLC as part of her team.
Learn How FB and Instagram Ads Will Work for You
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Learn about the Facebook and Instagram Ad Campaign we ran for Build Math Minds, to a FREE virtual summit. We registered over 18,000 math educators for a summit in February 2022, and then invited them to subscribed to a paid monthly membership. This year 342 summit participants joined the Build Math Mind Membership Community which generated over $340,000 for the company, a 20X Return on Ad Spend.
Read my latest case study and find out how we created these awesome results and find some great ideas how you can use these paid ad strategies that are working now in your business.
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