Expand Your Reach

and Explode Your Sales


Facebook   and Instagram

Ad Strategy and Management


Results-Driven Digital Ads Done For You

Let's Get Started

My Mission is to Put More Money in the Hands of More Women 👊 by Helping Online Business Owners Expand their Reach 🙌 and Explode💥 their Sales


We'll create, implement and manage your

Winning Facebook  and Instagram Ad Strategy so you can:


  • Put more eyeballs on your awesome offers to increase your sales and make more money.

  • Create a consistent flow of inbound leads.

  • Quit leaving money on the table by optimizing every step of your sales funnel using agile, fast inexpensive testing.

  • Become the “ Go-To” in your industry and increase your referral business by being seen EVERYWHERE by EVERYONE

  • Automate your marketing and sales so you can make money while you sleep, or do something FUN and/or totally AWESOME!


This is the formula for success that you've been searching for.


Say goodbye👋 to missed ROI opportunities and hello to growth 🙌


Let's Work Together

I ❤ My Clients which makes the Results we Create That Much Sweeter.


  • $340k of Membership Revenue Booked at the end of a Free Virtual Summit for which we spent  $12k on FB and IG ads to register participants

  • Record Breaking 28k sign-ups for a 6th annual virtual summit

  • Consistent 8.5X ROAS for an e-commerce meal delivery service business

  • Over $65k in revenue with a $2,600 ad spend, repeated 3 times during 2023 (that’s a 24X ROAS!) for an online course creator

  • Cracked the code to create consistent leads from a  cold audience of high-end event planners for a custom wedding invitation designer and fab female CEO

  • Created a consistent source of leads for a Realtor SAS company. We optimized a B2B freebie funnel at 35% on a cold audience of realtors so my client doesn’t have to worry about where their next leads will come from, but can instead focus on bringing superior products and services to their customers!


Let's Get Started

Barnaby, Director of ABC Music, Multiple locations, Toronto

I don't think I've ever seen so many leads in such a short time frame.. I'm delighted with all of this.

Elise Finger, C.E.O of Systems to Serve, LLC

Meredith's testing helped me figure out the freebie my customers actually want and resulted in a funnel with an optin of 40% on cold traffic!

Carolina, C.E.O. Equibalance Health

When I hired Meredith to advertise my business... the result was not only a gorgeous ad, but an ad that actually converted into paying clients!

What's Included in my

'Done-For-You' Ad Strategy and Management?

Kick-Off Meeting

  • Tailored to Your Goals: Identifying Your Aspirations
  • Insightful and Efficient: Quickly Uncovering Core Business Needs
  • Strategic Planning: Overcoming Hurdles to Exceed Business Goals


Strategy Blueprint

  • Funnel Analysis: Identifying Quick Wins and Key Opportunities
  • Customized Growth Strategy: Balancing Short-Term and Long-Term Goals
  • Integrating Agile Sprint Testing for Optimized Campaigns and Maximum Impact 


Audience Building


  • In-Depth Analysis: Creating Detailed Audience Personas
  • Dynamic Adaptation: Utilizing Sprint Testing for Targeted Strategies
  • Emotional Engagement: Crafting Connections for Clicks and Conversions
  • Meaningful Engagement: Ensuring Effective Audience Interaction

Visually Engaging Ad Creation 


  • Beauty and Brains: Combining Aesthetics with Performance
  • Customized Ads: Tailored for Platforms, Placement, and Devices
  • Seamless Integration: Aligning with Conversion Strategies
  • Artistic and Strategic Fusion: Unlimited Image and Video Creation


Copywriting: Crafting Stories That Connect and Convert


  • Art and Science Fusion: Strategic and Persuasive Storytelling
  • Sprint Testing: Refining Messages for Maximum Resonance
  • Comprehensive Journey: From Engagement to Conversion
  • Purposeful Copy: Driving Actions and Achieving Goals

Pixel Power and Insightful Tracking

  • Funnel Expertise: Mastering the Facebook Pixel for Optimization
  • Real-Time Insights: Monitoring Ad Traffic and Campaign Moves
  • Seamless Optimization and Setup: Ensuring Effective Campaign Management


Agile Testing and Consistent Ad Management

  • Quick Feedback: Employing Small, Focused Tests
  • Campaign Optimization: Adapting Strategies Swiftly
  • Mint CRO Proficiency: Insider License for Efficient Testing
  • Daily Monitoring: Keeping Ads in Top Form


Data-Driven Reporting and Collaborative Support

  • Passion for Numbers: In-Depth Data Analysis
  • Transparent Reporting: Tracking Key Performance Indicators
  • Collaborative Approach: Open for Questions and Brainstorming
  • Actionable Insights: Turning Data into Strategies


How do you know if our

'Done-For-You' Ad Strategy and Management

is a good fit for your business?

  • You are an online coach, consultant, course creator or e-commerce store owner
  • You want to generate tons of high-quality leads and make MORE sales
  • You’re already making > 6-figures in your business
  • You’re operating in your zone of genius
  • You’re not one Facebook Ad fail away from broke
  • You’re looking for REAL feedback and optimization recommendations for your funnel
  • You get that Facebook Advertising is not some quick fix
Let's Get Started

Meet Chef Nicole. 

Together we implemented my Facebook and Instagram Ads strategy to advertise her Miami healthy meal delivery service.

In the first 10 weeks we saw a 840% Return on our Ad Spend (ROAS).  

Read this Facebook and Instagram Ads Case Study to gain a better understanding of how this amazing tool could EXPLODE the sales of your business.

See Case Study Now

 What Are You Waiting For?

Let's jump on a short zoom call so I can hear about your business and sales goals and then share with you how my Facebook and Instagram strategy will work with your specific business plan. 

Book A Call